A journey through the senses
with an avant-garde artist

"Words can tell a story, but they're not the only way. Artists use the human form to tell stories, and sound conveys more than you know. We will explore unique visual and aural landscapes and unusual, immersive approaches to theatrical storytelling."

• March 27, 29, April 3, 5 (Mondays/Wednesdays) 1:30-3:30 p.m.
• Alumni Center, room 116, 1101 N. Main St., Normal, IL
• Contact:

a·vant-garde /,avänt'gärd/ noun
1. new and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them.

Note: daily schedule is subject to change.

Session 1: March 27

What is an avant-garde artist and why am I claiming to be one? An introduction to the influences that led to my accidentally becoming avant-garde, plus The Living Canvas photography and the language of the body.

Class links:

Session 2: March 29

The Living Canvas performance art - over a decade of telling stories in Chicago and elsewhere.

Class links:

Session 3: April 3

Finishing up Living Canvas performance art

Soundscapes -- the experience your ears are having that influences what your eyes see. The importance of sound in storytelling, particularly the sound you don't necessarily realize you're hearing.

Session 4: April 5

Immersive theatrical experiences - changing the dynamic of audience and stage. More directions to explore.

Class links: